The Jungle Book

Book design for photographer Yann Gross, winner of the first Luma Rencontres Dummy Book Award Arles 2015.

‘The Jungle Book’ is a visual feast of a travel diary, comprising discreetly staged scenes that reveal the diverse worlds of contemporary Amazonia and its surrounding areas. Gross was embedded with a number of local communities, exploring their lives at a time of ecological disintegration.

Book design
Supported by Fondation Luma et Les Rencontres d’Arles 
Publishers: Aperture, Actes Sud and Editorial RM
Photography: Yann Gross
Printer: EBS (Verona)
⇒ ISBN: (English) 978-1597113823 / (French) 978-2-330-06829-5 / (Spanish) 978-84-16282-66-1
⇒ Size: 2.5 × 25 × 17 cm
⇒ 232 pages